Friday, January 9, 2009

Colten is 3 months

I know these are out of order but that is the way my life is, just a little askew.
So, Colten did indeed turn 3 months on the 1st.. Here are some highlights, he got to take a nap with Brooke, he is smiling so much (to get it on camera is just asking for too much ok?!),he slept for 10hrs one night (we are waiting for a repeat performance), Dallen hasn't smothered him to death yet and we all just love him so much!!
Oh, did I mention he was FAT?
I don't mean to brag but he is my first baby to actually take regular LONG naps and be some what on a schedule!! (I know Mandy!! hehe)


Amy said...

Oh my goodness!! I didn't know you had another baby. Congrats!! He's adorable.

Mandy said...

Happy 3 month birthday Colton! Congratulations on the naps!

Sophie said...

Happy 3 months, those cheekies!!! And what's a "schedule"? LOL.

Courtney said...

So when do you think that we can post a picture of Colten and London together that will actually look like we aren't lying about their ages? He is such a chunk-a-munk! Yeah for chubby babies!!11