Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Here are some more pictures from the past few weeks!! I just want to thank all my dear friends that come along on our adventures I love you all and will miss this time (in our lives) we have with our children and friends!!
This week has been a bummer Colt is really sick his fever was 102.7 last night he was just laying on me moaning and crying!! So sad, but today he is better!! HOORAY!! I still want to keep him home and well rested, I just feel so bad for the big kids!! Oh, well we always find stuff to do!


Sophie said...

Oh Colt!! Glad he's better. I hate those fevers most of all. I'm also glad to see you blogging again - go you!!

Karrasch Clique said...

Yay you posted! You have the cutest family! So when do you want to get together to let the boys play? Have a great week! Sara