Thursday, February 5, 2009

Then and Now fast the years go

Our big boy he is three now he weighs 32lbs and is 38" tall. He has a funny personality! He gets frustrated and I'm pretty sure he has some OCD tendencies. That is why we love him so much because he is Dallen noone else!

Dallen was a sweet little guy he just loved to play with the girls!

We were so excited to finally have a boy!

Dallen was born at 7lbs 13oz 20.5in. long. He was our biggest baby so far!!


Mandy said...

Happy Birthday Dallen! You are getting to be so big.

Sophie said...

Happy Birthday Mr. Dallen Dude!!!

Lady Grace said...

Happy Birthday Dallen hope you had a good day love you Grandma Bird,

Courtney said...

I am sorry that I missed his birthday...what a horrible person I am! Ugghhh so self consumed, but at least I can admit it :-)

Love you guys!!!