Sunday was a very special day Colten was blessed but also his cousin Lilly. It was so neat to see the whole family there together and doing those things that we know to be true and right. I love my family so much and the thought of being together forever makes me so happy. I love you guys!! It was great to see Doug bless our tiny(that's all relative, have you seen him?!!)guy. It reminds you that they are fresh from Heavenly fFather and that he sent them here to do his will. It is a humbling thought to think that he was sent here to be with us and that Heavenly Father trusted us with this child.
We were all hanging out having so much fun drinking hot coco talking. The kids were messing around waiting for the tree to be lit. It goes to show you that sometimes it is not the many things we do it is just being together that is more fun. It took so long the kids were losing their patience it was cold and the fireworks were very loud but it was fun just to hang out.